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  • Posts

    • Would really love this back in the game since I just recently joined and didn't have the opportunity to get it!!!
    • so I have already done a couple of quest so far, and overall I am enjoying it.  I love content that has use explore other areas to get task completed so this really does groove with me.  My favorite missions so far is the fishing and farming missions with the droid.  I think the only frustration I had with quests was for the animal quest.  I had a hard time figuring out that the scanners you needed were from temp abilities, and not the regular scanner.   One thing though is that I wasn't the biggest fan of the dancing mission.  While it did work, it really was just kinda boring for me.  Loved the other missions, but this one felt like nothing.  Just having to sit their and doing nothing for about a minute.  Nothing about it felt all that fulfilling.   Loved everything else though!!
    • (continued) I find dance mission and get credit. Huzzah.  [Farmland Medal] says it is for the "SW:TOR Valley Event" in the tooltip. I went to go bake a pie in the green room and it was... very silent? no music or sound. I turned my sound up but there was just a very quiet hum. I go outside and realize I REQUIRE PIE TO EAT. No pie on table. Someone else running around pie table. Maybe they ate the pie. I leave, pieless and sad. I grab olives to make a pie. I go back to pie ingredients room... haha you have to get the right supplies! Too bad I have too many quests tracked for the new events, cant see the list on my questlog. I realise I can be lazy if I mouseover them - they will show the quest. so many ingredients! ... I tried to throw the ingredients in the bowl like the Feast event, it did not go well. I SHARE PIE! I EAT PIE!  Oh.. only 1 pie per day? So if we all bake olive pie... we fail. Haha. Oh wait... are these... weeklies? dailies? per events? I'm unclear based on the quest names. I see mission reset in 4 days and can be repeated 1 more time in my quest log but I am unsure if that means an additional time or one and done then reset. How long even is this event? There's another terminal in the north! But it says I am not eligible. Is that the same terminal as before or am I missing something? I do not know. Farm barn super cute Oh! I didnt realise WE were going to be the droid planting on the farm. cute. ISSSUE: Third row of planting, something is wrong, but I'm not sure what. It's not digging the little holes. I tried and tried. I left and came back later and it worked. Thanks for making the water AOE generous! Lack of water sound is strange. No music. The is a relaxing quest. I LIED IT IS NOT RELAXING RED ALERT. "Cultivation" quest only gave me credits as a reward? no lil tokens. is it one time? I am not sure. I wander over to the other green door which looks like a pond. LOL at the grab a drink and put music. Why i the fish game fun? it's dumb. But fun. I RECEIVE FISH BAGS???? I tried to open them from my inventory. No. They are not fish gifts. I like splorsh sound when you return them. I think I've done all the quests here (EXCEPT EAT MORE PIEEEE), though the lingering quest terminal still keeps confusing me. So I see I have quests left, and go to my quest log. Creature Rehabilition: The quest says Blba trees... am I not in Blba grove? It says the owner specified trees... where? do i look for random trees here, or maybe normal dantooine? I explore the grove looking for trees. All I find is a red secret cave door. And some poorly-hidden explosives that are not clickable. And Convenient seed shipment not clickable. And a shed with dirt with a HUMAN SKULL IN IT??? But I find no baby birds. YOU PUT INVISIBE WALLS N FRONT OF THE GRAPES AND SOLAR PANELS  Oh but you missed a spot and I go exploring   Don't see anything on Normal Dantooine for baby birds, so maybe I go look in the secret nests from the very old quest, like on Alderaan?  I waste a bunch of time climbing a mountain looking for orokeet nest. Nope this is not correct. I give up. I go to the fleet to look for shady seed man. If I was a shady seed man where would I be? I would be THIS MAN! But I am incorrect. GTN area? no. Near where I see the new festival assets? no. Kai zykken? no. Cartel bazaar? no darn. WAIT. on my minimap i see a spinny thing. OH. on my main map the spinny thing is under all the vendors. oops. i head to the center of the fleet. Republic side he is not in a wall and I have no problem interacting with him.
    • Fishing Feedback After fishing , there is a crate that flashing blue. When you click the crate, it opens a pop up inventory of items for you to collect. If you move away from the crate before picking up the items, it goes away, and you're unable to click on the crate again. As a side note, this same stupid bug exists for heroics in the game, such as Spring Thaw, Saving Face, Comrades in Arms, Question of Motivation, etc.
    • Guess I missed that or didn't see that post. 
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